Cherry Tree Farm

Cost Consultancy

A cluster of high-quality residential properties situated within the peaceful tranquillity of the Buckinghamshire countryside.

High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Avigen Turkeys
5no. Dwellings
Construction Value:

Following the closure of a poultry farm, the existing site housed a worker’s bungalow and several buildings associated with the use of turkey rearing. Following a Building Condition Survey confirming that the buildings were suitable for conversion, C4 Projects undertook the design and development of a bespoke scheme of six residential properties.

Set within 2.9 acres, the proposed development consists of five agricultural outbuildings refurbished and converted into houses, and one new build house all thoughtfully designed to fit within the rural context. The design of the proposal respects the openness of the Greenbelt and the overall proportions in plan, height and scale of the existing buildings.

By carefully utilising the space within the converted agricultural outbuildings, the properties range from three to five bedrooms all with ample family-orientated contemporary living spaces and sprawling outdoor gardens looking out into the countryside beyond.

The design proposals incorporate vernacular materials and construction processes with a limited palette of materials for a refined aesthetic - flint stone walling and masonry quoins in the refurbished dwellings, whilst the new-build property utilises charred timber weatherboard and masonry details - a nod to the site's agricultural history.